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Design and evaluation of integrated traffic management in Beijing

Beijing, the capacity city of China, is experiencing astonishing development in the past decade. Accompanied by economic development is the challenge of urban mobility. The number of car ownership in Beijing has hit 4 million at the end of 2009, and another 1.5 million is forecasted in the coming five year. Although supply of infrastructure is at tremendous speed as well, but seemingly all ended up in congestion as a vicious cycle. It is obvious that continuous building cannot be the final solution; an efficient use of current infrastructure through dynamic traffic management is called for.

Moreover, practices and studies have shown that the isolate deployment of DTM measures can yield sub-optimal, perhaps even counterproductive impacts from a network perspective, especially under non-recurrent (incidents, road works, events) situation. Therefore, coordination between measures is essential to fully utilize the scarce network infrastructure.

Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, a pilot project Integrated Traffic Management Amsterdam (Dutch: Praktijkproef Verkeersmanagement Amsterdam, PPA) as one of the most ambitious DTM projects in the world has finished its concept proof and ex-ante evaluation phase. The project proposed a general integration control principle. Results derived from macroscopic model simulation (RBV model) have shown economic and encouraging effect, which enlighten to other cities.

In this project, the potential integrated management in Beijing will be investigated. Different background in various aspects between two cities would be the issue in the approach. Two main tasks will be included in the study. First, a set of traffic management measures is going to design for the study area specific to the local problems in Beijing. Afterwards, a concept design of coordination under non-recurrent situation will be performed. Macroscopic simulation tool DYNASMART-P will be used to model the effect. Finally, policy advices will be given based on the simulation results.

Start date: February 1, 2010
End date: September 16, 2010

Research topic:
Traffic management

Research question:
Network wide traffic management

Concept design and evaluation of traffic management in Beijing