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Evaluation of network wide traffic management

Due to delays in the construction of new roads, measures to improve the performance of existing roads are an important aspect of transport policy in the Netherlands. Dynamic Traffic Management (DTM) measures have been implemented in the Netherlands since the 1990’s, leading to the development of a methodology for evaluating the impact of local DTM measures on traffic conditions. However, the benefits of DTM can be further increased by implementing DTM measures in a network wide, coördinated manner. Some experience with network wide DTM is allready being gained in the Netherlands and a major pilot project around Amsterdam is planned for 2010.

Network wide DTM will haven multiple impacts on both the highway system and the lower level network: it will impact traffic conditions, traffic safety, emissions, etcetera. This increase of complexity requires a revision of the existing impact evaluation methodology. Furthermore, a framework for the interpretation of the impacts is required, such as cost-benefit analysis or cost-effectiveness analysis. This socio-economic analysis framework will allow decision makers to make well founded choices on DTM projects in the future. The study will assist in the revision of the evaluation methodology by:

  • analyzing the difficulties of ex-post evaluation of network wide DTM,
  • analyzing the shortcomings of the current methodology in light of these difficulties,
  • reviewing the possible methods to add socio-economic analysis to the evaluation framework,
  • designing parts of a new ex-post evaluation methodology for network wide DTM projects.

Start date: September 1, 2008
End date: April 9, 2009

Research topic:
Traffic management

Research question:
Evaluation method

Ex-post evaluation of network-wide DynamicTraffic Management